One of several vocations in the Church, life as a contemplative nun is one of prayer and work, ora et labora. They hold the world in prayer, especially for those unable or unwilling to pray as well as those already praying. Their hearts are dedicated to Christ and His mission of salvation. Following the example of Our Lord, they use the most powerful weapon in the universe: prayer combined with sacrifice. Do not be mistaken for in their life there is much joy too: fellowship, answered prayers and internal consolations from Our Lord. A Peace that surpasses all understanding.
The photos at the following link record the Perpetual Profession of one such group: the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. They exchange the black veil for a blue one in honor of the Blessed Virgin, Mother of Christ. Warning: you may need a hanky as the four pages of photos are beautiful.
Here is the website of these dear Sisters:
What beautiful, fresh and virginal faces!! SUCH a blessing to see ;)
Warm greetings,
I so enjoyed both links. Although I am not and have never been catholic, nuns hold a special place in my heart.
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