The tiny independent congregations around the mountains all have billboards and they can be a source of humor and humility. One such billboard this past week paraphrased Oscar Wilde's quote and proclaimed:
All Saints have a past; all sinners have a future.
I was pleasantly surprised to see a tiny Baptist church use the term Saints with a capital S. Tis a wonderful quote, filled with hope for all.
Canning continues with rounds of late tomatoes, pickled okra, green beans and now the applesauce season has begun. Less an exercise in labor, canning can be conducive to contemplation and prayer. The repetitive peeling and slicing makes it easy to visit with Jesus, think on the Scripture readings and offer up intercessory prayers for others.
The days are cooler, the sunshine more gentle; deer are wandering around boldly before the hunting season. God is indeed good to us.
That's me away.
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