Last week, my first encounter with a Catholic activist who promotes female ordination the farmer's market of all places. Of course the usual bits about equality came out in her rant. When I asked the woman if she had a devotion to our Blessed Mother, she said quite firmly "Of Course!!!" Here then is what I shared and which sent her on her way. May God use it to help others who struggle with this topic.
Notice that Jesus gave his Blessed Mother to a disciple to be cared for instead of "ordaining" her to priesthood, as He, the Son of God could most certainly have done. Here is the Mother of God, the quintessence of Holiness by abandonment to Divine Will. Instead of being given a position of preaching or teaching, she is given to us in the role of Mother and helper for those who preach and teach the Gospel. When we accept our roles and work for the Glory of God's Kingdom, we are both weak in our human ambitions but supremely strong from our obedience and humility. For it is then, in that weakness, Jesus can truly work through us.
That's me away then.
Living our faith in plain and humble service to Jesus, Our Lord and Savior ... ORA ET LABORA +++ Sentire cum Ecclesia (to think and to feel with the Church)
Rejoice in hope; endure in affliction; persevere in prayer. Romans 12:12
Prayer joined to sacrifice constitutes the most powerful force in human history.
St. John Paul II
I have a mustard seed; and I am not afraid to use it. (Habeo granum sinapis quod uti non timeo)
Pope Benedict XVI
But I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing, direct murder by the mother herself."
St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
I believe the call to be a mother is a great call maybe as much or more so than to preach.
I'm in agreement and you've inspired me to post about women's ordination in a future post.
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