Saturday, May 19, 2012

Separation from the World

Separation from the World: In the Catholic (and Benedictine) sense, it means a personal conversion of one's own value system and heart so that they reflect God's values and priorities, not the sinful values of secular society... conversatio morum.

Some, like those of us who are Plain Catholic, embrace this conversion both inwardly and outwardly in modesty of dress, thought and speech. The outward signs and symbols of dress like the sacramentals are reminders to ourselves of our goals and priorities. These symbols remind us that we are not to seek secularly-driven entertainments because we love God and want to be more like Him. They remind us that we are always observed by both God and man and our behaviors should reflect the values of the Holy Trinity. In short, these symbols help us to stay focused on God's values in a world full of secular distractions that would have us away from God and worshipping the vanity and idolatry of secularism.

It is not about being more perfect than others. Tis about a personal journey of conversion of one's own heart toward God.


Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Wonderfully put!

Dawn said...

Beautifully said!

I LOVE what you said here: "It is not about being more perfect than others. Tis about a personal journey of conversion of one's own heart toward God." So True!!!

Stay on the narrow path <(((><

Matthew 5:16 So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

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Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus

Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus