Every woman with Christ in her heart is beautiful.
She smiles with Jesus.
She sings with Jesus.
She serves with Jesus.
Every time I hear someone use the word 'frumpy' I am sad because they do not know what kind of joy they are missing by labeling another person. Frumpy is a negative word that judges another's appearance and ignores the beauty of the heart in Jesus. It is an ugly word meant to make someone else feel ugly.
If we can do just one thing for Jesus today, then let us throw away the word frumpy and never pick it up again. Let us see each other as Christ sees us and love each other as Christ loves us.
Living our faith in plain and humble service to Jesus, Our Lord and Savior ... ORA ET LABORA +++ Sentire cum Ecclesia (to think and to feel with the Church)
Rejoice in hope; endure in affliction; persevere in prayer. Romans 12:12
Prayer joined to sacrifice constitutes the most powerful force in human history.
St. John Paul II
I have a mustard seed; and I am not afraid to use it. (Habeo granum sinapis quod uti non timeo)
Pope Benedict XVI
But I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing, direct murder by the mother herself."
St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Beautiful! May I use it?
Most certainly, Michelle!
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