Wednesday, May 1, 2013

People, who are accustomed to their electronics playing constantly, wonder what Plain Catholics do of an evening after the day is done. So today's post will share what we care about: family and faith time.

In the evening, when dishes are done after supper we pray the Liturgy of the Hours then sit as a family and chat. We read the Bible and Catechism and discuss how we can apply those teachings to our daily life. Later we play musical instruments or play games, do artwork, knitting, sewing, crocheting, model building, carving or simply have quiet time.

At bedtime we say prayers with our children tucking each one in bed. Afterwards, husband and wife plan the day following and the weeks ahead.

We are connected to our children and to each other. Our conversations with each other help us to practice our faith in action and learn to apply the faith to our lives.

May God bless every family with the opportunity to find each other in union with our loving God.

1 comment:

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

I think it sounds perfect. Jack and I will be doing away with tv by the first of the month. I have been ready to do away with it for awhile and at last so is Jack. We will cross stitch or crochet together and put jigsaw puzzles together. I am looking forward to that!

Matthew 5:16 So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

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Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus