We're heading into winter here in New Zealand. We've been busy harvesting the garden and storing the food for winter. We've pulled our coats out of storage and checked our boots for repairs.
Our northern hemisphere Plain Catholics are just now seeing their gardens sprout and are going into summer. They've pulled their summer clothing out of storage and cleaned and stored their winter wear.
Somehow we feel connected to our Plain Catholic friends where ever they may live. Our daily lives are much the same - governed by the seasons, the liturgical and the agricultural.
Keeping everyone in prayer as we continue to praise our Lord together in every time zone.
Living our faith in plain and humble service to Jesus, Our Lord and Savior ... ORA ET LABORA +++ Sentire cum Ecclesia (to think and to feel with the Church)
Rejoice in hope; endure in affliction; persevere in prayer. Romans 12:12
Prayer joined to sacrifice constitutes the most powerful force in human history.
St. John Paul II
I have a mustard seed; and I am not afraid to use it. (Habeo granum sinapis quod uti non timeo)
Pope Benedict XVI
But I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing, direct murder by the mother herself."
St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
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