Pope Francis tells parents to stop competing with their teenage children instead of educating them.
I've seen it. You've seen it. Parents trying to be "cool" and their teens' best friends. As parents we're given the responsibility of teaching our children, not chumming around with them. Morality and good judgement come from the example of parents.
We do have the right to steer our children away from dangerous relationships and acquaintances.
We do have the right to monitor how they spend their time and with whom they spend it.
We can't be afraid to say no to bad influences and dangerous situations. The number of missing children, murdered children, and abused children should be a klaxon warning to us all. Parents please be adults instead of wannabe teens.
Living our faith in plain and humble service to Jesus, Our Lord and Savior ... ORA ET LABORA +++ Sentire cum Ecclesia (to think and to feel with the Church)
Rejoice in hope; endure in affliction; persevere in prayer. Romans 12:12
Prayer joined to sacrifice constitutes the most powerful force in human history.
St. John Paul II
I have a mustard seed; and I am not afraid to use it. (Habeo granum sinapis quod uti non timeo)
Pope Benedict XVI
But I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing, direct murder by the mother herself."
St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
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